What is the current yearly gross for this route?
Currently this route grosses an estimated $583,018 per year. Income documentation will be provided to all serious buyers.
How do I get paid?
As an independent operator you make money by providing tools and equipment to auto repair shops and their mechanics.
Can I finance the route?
There is no seller financing for this route, and unfortunately banks will NOT write business loans against route based businesses for several reasons. You can review additional Financing Options Here.
What are my expenses and overhead?
Expenses include, but are not limited to: cost of goods, fuel, repairs, vehicle maintenance, insurance, tool returns and shipping costs. The current owner estimates $474,013 per year in expenses/overhead for the business (Note: Expenses represent a cash purchase and do not account for finance payments if requiring a loan to purchase).
What type of insurance do I need?
Typically a single owner operator of a route distributorship will need commercial insurance for their delivery vehicle and business liability insurance. Owners with multiple employees will need a multiple vehicle policy and workers’ compensation. Routes For Sale now offers discounts on insurance! Through our size and volume, we have partnered with some of the largest insurance brokers in the nation to offer the best rates. Request Your Free Insurance Quote Here.
What type of vehicle/equipment do I need?
Included in the purchase is a 2004 Freightliner truck (116,000 miles). Estimated value is $20,000. Common delivery vehicles used for this type of business are box trucks or trailers. If you are considering purchasing, leasing or financing a vehicle you can review additional information here.
What is the Gross vs the Net income?
The gross income for the route is $583,018 per year, minus $474,013 estimated yearly expenses as mentioned above gives you the net $109,005 as an owner/operator.
How does the selling price of the route get determined?
To determine a business’s price, a standard formula is to multiply 2 years of the net plus consideration of business assets.

Why is the distributor selling?
Seller is retiring.
Where are the accounts located?
Located in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania region.
How long has the business been established?
The current seller has owned the business for 30 years.
How many days a week, and what hours does the owner work?
Current owner works 5 days a week taking Saturday and Sunday off, working 8 hours per day.
What about vacation time or personal days?
As an independent distributor/business owner you are responsible for servicing the route. It is our recommendation that you hire or train someone for additional time needed off. Additionally, you can network and hire distributors with previous route experience at RouteReliefDrivers.com. Route Relief Drivers is a nationwide network that allows independent route distributors and vacation relief drivers to connect with each other. Each party negotiates its own terms and compensation.
What do you recommend when purchasing a business?
Typically, most company routes or distributorships will require you to attend an interview for approval from the company, background check, and in most cases require the buyer to form some type of entity such as an LLC or Corporation. This not only protects the company, but also ensures protection of your business. If you need help forming this, we recommend that you Form A Corporation Here.
What else should I know?
Be Your Own Boss! Great opportunity to purchase a turnkey, well established franchise business. Mac Tools has over 75 years of experience in the mobile tool industry and offer franchisees comprehensive, ongoing training programs. Mac Tools has the power of the largest tool company in the world behind them – Stanley Black & Decker. Established route priced at $300,000. Contact Us About This Route Here!