Driver name: Jamal
Full name: Jamal Ellis
Phone number: 8457775918
Previous route experience? Yes (5years in delivery experience, residential and business)
Types Of Route That Can Be Serviced:FedEx Route,Miscellaneous Routes,Vending Machine Routes
Calendar Availability: Click Here
Have a current and valid drivers license: Yes
Physically able to service the route, for example, lift 50lbs: Yes
Ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor: Yes
US citizenship: Yes
Location: 16 Govan Drive #1
State: New York
City: StonyPoint
Zip: 10980
If owner is willing to pay your travel expenses in addition to compensation for servicing the route:Yes (New Jersey, NYC, Connecticut)
Any additional comments you would like the Owners to know:I have a van
Calendar Availability
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