What are the current average sales and gross income for this route?
Currently this route grosses an estimated $50,378 in yearly sales and nets $26,961 per year.
How do I get paid?
As an independent operator you are make money by purchasing product at wholesale cost and selling it to your customer base via the Ice Cream Truck.
How much can I make?
Ice Cream Truck Route businesses have unlimited growth potential and can be operated anywhere. The yearly sales can be increased by new driving routes and setting your own product prices.
Can I finance the route?
There is no seller financing for this route, and unfortunately banks will NOT write business loans against route based businesses for several reasons. If you need money, you can review additional Financing Options Here
What are my expenses and overhead?
Expenses include, but are not limited to: fuel, product cost, royalties, and insurance. The above cash flow represents the profit after an estimated $13,882 in operating cost and expenses are subtracted.
What type of insurance do I need?
Typically a single owner operator of a route distributorship will need commercial insurance for their delivery vehicle and business liability insurance. Owners with multiple employees will need a multiple vehicle policy and workers’ compensation. Routes For Sale now offers discounts on insurance! Through our size and volume, we have partnered with some of the largest insurance brokers in the nation to offer the best rates. Request Your Free Insurance Quote Here.
What type of vehicle do I need?
The route comes with a 1990 GMC Truck. If you are considering purchasing, leasing or financing a vehicle you can review additional information here.
Do I have to pay for inventory or purchase product up front?
Yes, the business requires you to purchase product at wholesale through wholesale retailers such as Restaurant Depot, Sam’s Club, and other vending supply companies.
Who is responsible for damaged or out of date product?
You are responsible for the product you purchase.

Why is the owner selling?
Owner is pursuing other business opportunities.
Does the owner have contracts in place?
There are not contracts with locations although you will sign an agreement to represent Mister Softee. In turn the company agrees to promote and assist you in growing your business.
How long has the seller owned the business?
The current owner has owned this business for 2 years.
How many days a week, and what hours does the owner work?
This is a seasonal business (April 1st-October 31st). Owner works 7 days per week. You can set your own schedule as desired.
What about vacation time or personal days?
As an independent business owner you are responsible for servicing your route. It is our recommendation that you hire or train someone for additional time needed off.
What do you recommend when purchasing a business?
When purchasing this type of business we recommend forming some type of entity such as an LLC or Corporation to do business under. This not only offers protection for your personal assets, but also ensures protection of your business. If you need help forming this, we recommend that you Form A Corporation Here.
What else should I know?
Working behind a successful company founded in 1956! Be your own boss with flexible hours! Unlimited growth opportunity with parties (picnics, fairs, and birthday parties) and setting your own product prices. Priced to sell at $120,000! Contact Us About This Route Here!