What are the current average sales for this route distributorship?
This is a new route opening and the route sales have not been established yet. As the purchaser you are to distribute and establish new accounts. Documentation for already established routes can be provided to all serious buyers.
How do I get paid?
You are paid 24% commission of your gross sales.
How much can I make?
The sky is the limit! Similar routes in the area generate $5000-$7000 in weekly sales. The route numbers can be established and increased, by soliciting more accounts. Gross income will also be increased by new stores opening, new product lines, and simple inflation.
Can I finance the route?
Yes, the route requires a $10,000 initial purchase and then $50,000 purchase price once it is established and generating a consistent $7,000 in weekly sales or 1.5 years of ownership (whichever occurs first). The company will finance the entire $50,000 for 10 years. If more financing is needed you can review additional Financing Options Here.
What are my expenses and overhead?
Expenses will vary from route to route depending on proximity. Expenses include, gas, vehicle, stale, a storage unit for product, insurance and a $20 computer fee. Most route distributors operate the business at less than $200 a week in overhead.
What type of insurance do I need?
Typically a single owner operator of a route distributorship will need commercial insurance for their delivery vehicle and business liability insurance. Owners with multiple employees will need a multiple vehicle policy and workers’ compensation. Routes For Sale now offers discounts on insurance! Through our size and volume, we have partnered with some of the largest insurance brokers in the nation to offer the best rates. Request Your Free Insurance Quote Here.
What is the Gross vs the Net income?
For this particular business, the gross, cash flow, and have not yet been established.
Do I have to pay for inventory or purchase product up front?
No, you will be placed on a 7 day term. Meaning you have a full week from the day you receive your order to distribute and collect payment for the purchase.
Who is responsible for damaged or out of date product?
No stale allowance is given. However you are credited for damaged product you receive from the company.

Do I have to sign a contract?
Yes, as a distributor you sign a contract to represent Herr’s. The contract is to protect both the company and its distributors.
Why is the distributor selling?
Owner owns Master Distributorship for the entire South and East Florida and is growing the business.
Where are the warehouses located?
For this business there is no warehouse. You are required to rent a storage unit for product deliveries.
How often does the business receive deliveries?
The company delivers product once per week.
How long has the seller owned the business?
This route was just established.
How many days a week, and what hours do distributors work?
Most route owners work 4-5 days a week.
What is required in order to qualify for purchase?
Typically, most company routes or distributorships will require you to attend an interview for approval from the company, background check, and form an entity such as an LLC or Corporation. This not only protects the company, but also ensures protection of your business. If you need help forming this, we recommend that you Form A Corporation Here.
What else should I know?
You won’t find another GROUND FLOOR distributorship opportunity like this one. This distributorship hasn’t begun to scratch the surface of its income potential. Current owner estimates the route will generate $7000 or more with effort. You must establish and grow your territory through independent accounts in your protected territory. The company has already established some chain accounts that include: Target, Walmart, Walgreens, and Kmart. Only $10,000 down gets you started! Unique, and rare opportunity with the potential of a great return for the amount of time and money required for this investment! Contact Us About This Route Here!